Jayne, she is 21 years old, registered blind and a wheelchair user.
Jayne is very outgoing and very organised, she thrives on being busy, she is a happy and chatty person.
Despite Jayne's challenges she is very persistent and doesn't give up without a fight.
Jayne is passionate about working hard for her future.
Jayne has studied hard at college and qualified in business but has never been given an opportunity in the world of work.
Jayne wants to earn her own money, make a difference and contribute to society, and with your support we can make this a reality.
Our Pathway 2 Employment program is delivered in 8 week terms at a subsidised cost of £48 per week, supporters can pick from the following sponsorship packages
1 week £48
2 weeks £96
4 weeks £192
8 weeks £384
Alternatively a supporter can sponsor an amount to suit their budget and we can add this contribution to a candidates account.
If you would like to find out more about sponsoring a candidate please email ABILITY@ethicalrecruitment.org.uk
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